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February 07, 2018 4 min read

Your inbox has 50 new messages, you're eating whatever you can find in the fridge (grocery shopping is on the endless to-do list), + work has been piling up non-stop. 

Stop. Take a breath. Practice self care.  

You'll feel better in the long run if you spend time every day listening to your body + giving it what it needs. 

Self care isn't indulgent, narcissistic or a time-waster; it's critical to your mental + physical well-being.

We've compiled a list of ways we practice self care + hope you get some ideas for yourself!



Hit the gym with a friend

Going to the gym isn’t the first thing I typically want to do (Netflix + my bed sound much more appealing).

But I find that if I get myself there, I feel mentally + physically 100% better. I like to go with a friend because 1) I prefer to follow someone else’s lead and 2) I get to socialize. I dread cardio, but with a friend there it’s a little more tolerable.

Plus the post-workout endorphins are legit (it's why working out is on every self care list, ever).


Game night with family

If I ever need a really good laugh, playing catch phrase with my family always does the trick.

We're all busy with our own lives, but making time to do something low key (aka in pajamas) with each other is important.


Play with my dogs (and try to play with my cat)

I have two boston terriers and I would die for them, tbh.  I also have an old cat that’s probably plotting my death, but I love her so, so much anyway.

I spend a lot of time playing Frisbee + tug of war with Zeke, cuddling with Junior and trying to get my cat’s attention (she mostly ignores me while I dangle a piece of string in her face). 

They're a handful, but I love them like they’re my children!



My mom is a librarian, so it’s kind of a given that I love to read (I once went to an American Library Association conference for fun lol).

I read a lot of different things depending on my mood + the time of year (I reread an Edgar Allen Poe anthology every Halloween), but right now I’m into nonfiction humor.

Looking for book recommendations? I’m your girl!


Take a bubble bath

I spend a lot of time relaxing in the bath. There’s something so calming about decompressing after a long day with some peace + quiet in a bubble bath.

For me, spending a little extra time taking care of my skin + body has a lasting positive mental impact.

Sometimes I even throw on a sheet mask (although I do kind of feel like Dwight from the CPR episode...)




Skiing and lodging

Skiing has always been one of my favorite parts about winter- especially when I get the chance to go out west (because has anyone ever experienced Ohio skiing?!)

Unpopular opinion: I love the cold and snow much more than the summer heat.. so I thrive when I can bundle up and hit the slopes.

It’s so refreshing to enjoy the outdoors after spending so much time cooped up inside.


Late night dinner with friends in cozy restaurants (+ wine of course) 

Going out on the weekends in the winter is always a struggle; planning dinner with friends in a cozy and dim environment is always a great way to spend a night.

I love finding local treasures + spending hours enjoying the conversations, food and wine.

I think anywhere that has cozy corners, fireplaces, dim lighting and candles is definitely the perfect spot to spend your entire winter!


An “early” spring cleaning with the help of music 

You know those snow days when you stay in your pajamas all day + don’t leave your house??!

I love those days as much as the next person but sometimes I feel gross after not doing anything alllll day.

To feel productive, I love turning on my favorite music (typically The National or Leon Bridges) and I clean every bit of my apartment.

Afterwards, I don’t feel so bad cuddling up on my couch to binge-watch my favorite Netflix series.


Spa Days

Winter is the time to hydrate your skin and focus on self-care because the winter blues are SO REAL!

The solution is always a bubble bath, face mask, and savoring every moment of your nightly beauty routine.  


Going to the Movies-

The movie theater is the perfect snow day activity because you get to sit inside in the dark for a couple hours and not really feel guilty about it.

I love making a whole day of going to the store and buying snacks to sneak into the theaters

(because who wants to buy the ridiculously expensive movie theater snacks?!)

+ then most likely going back home afterwards to continue watching movies from the comfort of my couch. ;)


How do you guys practice self care? Let us know what works for you!

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